Tuesday, July 21

baseball is magic

i have loved baseball since i was a kid, and despite boring grown-up protestations about major league salaries, corruption, boredom, exploitation, racism, and the corporate whoring of american secular cathedrals known as baseball stadiums, i'm still enchanted by it. and even though the modern dogma might get in the way, there's something about the ritual, the superstition, and the tradition that brings all of the excitement and wonder bubbling to the surface (oddly, i have the same feelings about christmas). i love the sounds of the ballpark and the feeling of a night game at the beginning of summer, i prefer to eat cracker jacks and hotdogs when seated in the most uncomfortable chair possible, keeping score and within earshot of the cotton candy vendor, and my favorite soda is wax-flavored, diluted concession stand coke.

recently, some coworkers and i were traveling for work, and the subject of baseball came up. they informed me that they are not baseball fans, and cited the aforementioned protestations as evidence in support of their opinions. all i really had to support my viewpoint was a childhood spent watching and playing baseball, and a father who supported my habit. not my strongest arguments. i remained unable to express why i think baseball is the bee's knees...until now.

for any of you out there who remain unconverted, allow me to present exhibit A.

baseball IS magic.

Thursday, July 9

photos that stopped me in my tracks today

i've been spending a lot of time working on the computer lately (at work), which is a mixed blessing.
on the positive side, it's july and for the first time in a while i'm being spared the florida summer cycle of sweating like a pig, then getting rained on, then having to go sit in the a/c, then sweating like a pig again. on the not-so-positive side, i'm on the computer. all day. inside. i got into this field so that i wouldn't have to work in an office. in front of a computer. but hey, i'm employed, so i'm happier than a (insert colorful southern idiom here).
another positive is that i not only have more time to keep up with things like current events, email, the part of my job that involves being on the computer, etc, but also that i find gems like these:

this photo came from a great site i mentioned in a previous post called lostateminor. something about it just gets to me. at first, it eeged me out. the inverted starfish, the mix of sea creatures with flowers...but then it grew on me.

the other is just a personal preoccupation: rachel weisz. i'm not prone to celebrity worship, and i definitely don't have posters of her on the back of my office door (unlike certain coworkers of mine and hilary duff), but i like her movies. except the fountain...snoozefest (sorry, kris).
i don't know her personally, but she seems like she'd be fun to have a glass of wine with. and this photo, while somewhat scary and she-might-eat-me-if-i-piss-her-off-ish, is...nice. i'm a fan of actresses and models who aren't fetuses flaunting their sex appeal...more fodder for the "you don't have to be fifteen to be sexy" movement. also, this picture came from one of my favorite guilty-pleasure blogs, where you can actually vote on whether this picture is awe-inspiring or fear-inducing.

Wednesday, July 1

philodendron and felis

someday, i want a small part of my garden to look like this: