Friday, September 12

la prima

like many new bloggers, i've been reluctant to post for the first time.
why? it's been a combination of the pressure of topic selection for what will surely be the first of many epic and meaningful semi-public statements (i almost gagged myself with that one), the decision of what sort of theme to follow, who to post for, whether i'm being overly narcissistic or self-conscious, blah blah blah.
finally, after i grew so sick of my own neuroses that i stopped thinking about it altogether, a familiar voice came through with some advice. i've heard this voice many times; the first time was
at the top of a slide on a preschool daycare playground, and it's there almost every time i dive into a pool, when i make most major life decisions, and when i'm trying to decide between ice cream flavors.
"just go!"
so i'm going.

1 comment:

  1. Eff help from KGB on mowing. The yard is mowed! I'm looking at its trimmed splendor as we speak. Yep, this house is pretty swank. Front and back porch, wood floors, cool archways... and the rug really ties the room together. Good blog. It's nice to see what goes on in your head, even though I see you in person everyday. CIAO!
